When we start thinking about online earning through internet, too many questions come in our mind, like how to make a free website, which is the best network to start career, either blog-spot will work for me or not much more. The best answer of all questions is that, just read online earning methods and tricks first and then start working. We all knew that without Google it is quite difficult to earn a good income. After setting a complete blog, every blog owner likes to get approved from Google Adsense. Every new users which have some skills and knowledge wants to get approved Adsense as quickly as possible but in these days situation is different. Today i am here to assist those users who are willing to get approved from Google Adsense network.
Before going to put an application for Google Adsense account must read their users agreements and guideline properly, most your questions can get their sensible answers.
Important Steps required to got approved from Google Adsense.
1- Selection of Domain Name
Must use a unique domain name like www.example.com Never use www.xxx.ti/fun etc
2- Unique Content
Just read Google policies and try to write unique content on your blog. Never copy paste any content or material at all.
3- Time Period
Wait for few days at-least 25 to 30 days after creating a unique and perfect website. In 25 to 30 days, your blog will get some unique traffic.
4- Account Information
Must use original name during application process. This is also better for you to put a unique and perfect information in your G-mail and Google+ account as well. Use original home address and postal code as well during that process. For better results must see address format in Google and then put right information which is required. Fake information can become a cause of Adsense account application rejected so careful and try to follow guidelines properly.
5-Domain Information
Domain information must be open and clear, i mean use unique information and address with postal code which is used in application process. Your domain information is now verified by Google Adsense team in these days so don’t use wrong information.
6- Re-application Process
Google Adsense provide an opportunity to correct your all errors and faults which made during application. Once your application is rejected, then remove all errors and then re-apply. Don’t worry about application rejection email because sometime your application will approve after 4 or 5 tries.
7- Blog Traffic
We all knew that traffic on any blog is very important for blog owner also for earning purpose. That’s really awesome during application process that your blog have 50 or 100+ hits per day.
8- Hosting
Website hosting must be unique as well, never used free hosting services at all. Try to purchase hosting from world best hosting companies like Hostgator, Bluehost, ipage, Namecheap etc.
9- Professional Website
Maintain you blog process and try to write unique and manual paragraphs as much and you can. Quality and quantity matters a lot.
10- Invalid Activity
Once you got approved from Google adsense, then must read user guideline first and don’t click on your own blogs ads. If you got banned due to Invalid activity, then it is quite difficult to get back your ad-sense account.
Watch some videos for better guideline and instruction.